Why Do Dogs Lick You in Plymouth Meeting, PA?

Most pet parents have experienced being at work all day and coming home to an excited pup licking their faces. Licking helps to improve social bonding between dogs, and it is no different when a pup licks their human.

Most dogs lick their humans to demonstrate love and affection, or they could be helping you to keep clean. You may have just eaten a nice juicy steak, and they can smell it on your lips. Licking is a normal behavior dogs learn when they are puppies.

Your pup may be licking you to cheer you up when you have a difficult day. If you would enjoy learning further about why your dog licks you, check out this pawsome article!

What Are the Reasons My Dog is Licking Me?

There may be several reasons why your canine is licking you. The most important reason is that they are delighted to see you. Dogs are emotional creatures and like to express joy and excitement. However, there are other more intricate reasons for this behavior. Some of the reasons your pup cannot keep their tongue off you:

They Love Your Smell  

Dogs are major fans of certain smells. For instance, they may be interested in the smell of the tasty meal you just ate that is all over your fingers. They may be responding to the shower gel you used or some other scent that has tickled their fancy. Pups have a stronger, more acute sense of smell than we have due to their number of olfactory receptors.

Some of the scents you would not believe dogs love:

  • BBQ Meat- Your dog loves the smell of sausages and other meat
  • Coconut- Can help your pup sleep more and recover from stress
  • Ginger- The sweet and spicy balance of this scent helps pups relax
  • Lavender- Pups are more likely to interact with toys scented with this smell
  • Other Dogs- Dogs can figure out a dog’s age, health, and gender based on one whiff
  • Vanilla – Has a calming effect on rescue dogs that cross the line between breeds
  • Your Sweat – Dogs cannot resist the taste of salty skin after a hard workout

You could be sporting any of these scents. Maybe you tried a new shampoo, ate some delicious BBQ, or were in contact with another dog, but these are smells that many pups tend to adore.

Learned Behavior

Many pet parents allow their dogs to lick them all over or give them big slobbery doggie kisses. It is a little-known fact that the bacteria in your pup’s mouth can cause health problems. It is a behavior your dog has learned over time that it is okay to lick you on or around your mouth. Dogs sometimes think we want to be licked all the time because of this.

They Can Perceive Emotion

There was a study done that concluded that dogs respond more and more frequently to licking negative or sad expressions, as opposed to positive expressions. Your dog can recognize when you have had a difficult day or are not in a great mood. Your pup wants you to be happy because they love and appreciate you and want to see you smile. They are licking you to try to cheer you up!

They Crave Attention and Affection

This need comes from when they were puppies; their mother licked them to show them affection and comfort. They might continue this into adulthood. When your dog licks you, they want affection from you. They may be seeking your attention. Possibly they are hungry or want to go for a walk. When a puppy licks their mom’s face, it’s usually a signal that they would like to be fed.

Pups in the wild will also lick their mother’s face when she has been out hunting, and she has the taste of fresh meat on her lips. The lick indicates for the mother to regurgitate a bit of the predigested food to feed her hungry puppies. Domesticated dogs demonstrate this behavior with their human parents. They may also crave your hands on them and want to be petted.

Why Do Dogs Lick You in Plymouth Meeting, PA?

They May Be Bored

Each dog has specific needs regarding how much mental and physical stimulation they require. Pups love to work hard and play hard. Dogs need:

  • Brain games
  • Exercise
  • Interactive toys
  • Training

Dogs are comparable to humans in that they like to be busy. If you notice your pup is licking you excessively, they might be bored. You can help them with this by having your pup participate in doggie sports like agility or Barn Hunt, which is a game based on the traditional roles of many breeds in barns and farms. The American Kennel Club recognizes titles given to the dog.

It is an Instinct from Their Wilder Days

Back before domestication, when dogs were wild, an adult dog may lick another pup’s face to demonstrate subordination. Your dog is attempting to let you realize that you are in charge, and they defer to you. It is especially true if your pup licks you from underneath your chin.

If the dog who is the alpha pup licks back, they are demonstrating acceptance and appreciation of the other dog’s submission and a show of good faith. It is an inherited behavior necessary to maintain harmony within the pack. If your dog licks you, they may be showing you respect.

They Are Feeling Stressed or Anxious

Your pup may be licking you because they are feeling stressed or anxious. Pups tend to need a lot of security to feel safe and comfortable. If your dog feels that their safety may be threatened, they may come and lick us to help calm themselves down. If your canine is licking excessively, it can signify mental stress. It can also be evident if they are licking things, they should not be.

You Encourage the Behavior

Many pet parents give their dogs an “atta-boy” or girl when their dogs lick them. You may also pet your pup and give them treats. This reward reinforces their behavior, and they continue to do it, knowing they will get a bonus. Dogs are creatures of habit; they respond to your praise and will keep doing something if it feels good to them.

dogs lick me in plymouth meeting, pa

They Are Grooming You

Grooming is essential for proper health. Licking is how dogs groom themselves and may do the same with you. Dogs were groomed and cleaned by their mothers when they were puppies. It is another inherited trait. They will sometimes lick open injuries to keep them sanitary and disease free. Your pup believes they are helping you by grooming you.

They Are Greeting You

If you have been away from home all day and come back to have your pup licking you all over, it is their way of telling you they missed you when you were gone. This welcoming may also occur when you and your dog are in different rooms and reunite with them when you both come back to the same room. Your pup is happy to see you again, and they are letting you know.


When your dog licks you, they are likely just showing you affection, or they may exhibit an instinctual behavior they learned during their puppyhood. When your canine companion licks you, it helps both of you by boosting oxytocin levels in the body and strengthening your bond.

For dog parents in the Plymouth Meeting, PA area, The Village Vets are available to serve you and your dog. Call us today at (484) 820-1700 or make an appointment

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