Dog Motion Sickness: 9 Tips for Helping Your Pet when Traveling in the Car

Traveling with your dog can sometimes be a bit tricky, especially if your pet starts feeling sick in the car. Motion sickness in dogs is a common problem, but the good news is there are ways to help your pet feel better during car rides. Keep reading to learn about some helpful tips on making car travel more comfortable for your dog. If you need more advice or help, The Village Vets – Plymouth Meeting in Plymouth Meeting, PA, is here for you. You can call us at (484) 820-1700. Let’s make car trips a happy experience for your dog!

dog feeling motion sickness

Understanding Motion Sickness in Dogs

Before we dive into the tips, let’s talk about what motion sickness in dogs is. Just like people, dogs can feel sick in moving vehicles. This can happen because their inner ear, which helps with balance, gets upset during travel. Signs your dog might be experiencing motion sickness include yawning, whining, drooling, or even getting sick.

Why Some Dogs Get Motion Sick

Not all dogs experience motion sickness, and puppies are more likely to get sick in the car than adult dogs. This is because their inner ear, which helps with balance, isn’t fully developed yet. As dogs grow older, many outgrow motion sickness, but some continue to feel unwell during car rides.

Preparing for a Car Trip

Getting your dog ready for a car trip can make a big difference. Here are some steps to take before hitting the road:

  1. Make Sure Your Dog is Comfortable: Use a carrier or a seatbelt designed for dogs to keep them safe and secure. This can also help them feel more stable and less likely to get sick.
  2. Short Practice Rides: Start with short car rides and gradually increase the time. This can help your dog get used to the sensation of traveling in a car.
  3. Don’t Feed Before Traveling: It’s best not to feed your dog right before a car trip. A full stomach can make motion sickness worse.
  4. Open Windows Slightly: Fresh air can help reduce the feelings of nausea, so open the windows a little to allow for air circulation.
  5. Favorite Toys or Blankets: Bring along some of your dog’s favorite toys or blankets. Familiar smells can help them feel more relaxed and comfortable.

During the Car Ride

Now that you’re on the road, there are things you can do to help your dog stay calm and comfortable:

  1. Regular Breaks: Stop every hour or so to let your dog stretch their legs and go to the bathroom. This can also help them feel less anxious.
  2. Keep the Car Cool: A cool car is more comfortable for your dog and can help prevent motion sickness.
  3. Quiet and Calm Environment: Loud music or noise can stress your dog. Keep the car environment calm to help them relax.
  4. Stay Near Your Dog: If possible, have someone sit near your dog to provide comfort and reassurance during the ride.

When to Call The Village Vets – Plymouth Meeting

If your dog continues to experience motion sickness despite trying these tips, it might be time to call The Village Vets – Plymouth Meeting. There might be other solutions we can suggest, including medication for longer trips. Remember, it’s always best to discuss any concerns with a vet before trying any new treatment on your pet.

Traveling with your dog doesn’t have to be a stressful experience. With the right preparation and care, you can help make car rides a pleasant adventure for both of you. If you have any questions or need more advice, don’t hesitate to call us at The Village Vets – Plymouth Meeting at (484) 820-1700. We’re here to help make sure every journey with your pet is a safe and happy one.

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The Village Vets of Plymouth Meeting offers excellent service to clients in a comfortable, friendly atmosphere. To learn more about us and how we can better serve you and your pet here in Plymouth Meeting, PA, click the button below.

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About The Village Vets

The Village Vets is a network of three animal hospitals based in Atlanta, GA and the surrounding area. We offer honest, excellent service to our clients in a comfortable, friendly atmosphere. To learn more about our locations and how we can better serve you and your pet, click the button below.